Crayon Template Printable

Hey everyone, are you looking for some fun and creative ways to engage your little ones? Well, look no further! We have gathered the best crayon shape printables for you to enjoy with your children. These templates are not only educational but also super entertaining! So, let’s dive right into the colorful world of crayons!

  1. Crayon Shape Printable

Crayon Shape PrintableOur first find is a fantastic crayon shape printable from This template is just what you need to introduce your kids to the world of coloring. Not only will they have a blast coloring the crayon shapes, but they will also learn about different colors and their names. It’s a win-win activity!

  1. Crayon Template - 12 Pages

Crayon Template - 12 PagesIf you want to take your crayon adventure to the next level, check out this incredible 12-page crayon template from Barb Beale on Teachers Pay Teachers. Your little artists will have a blast coloring, cutting out, and assembling these crayons. They can even add their own imaginative designs to make each crayon unique!

  1. High-Quality Crayon Clipart Template

High-Quality Crayon Clipart TemplateIf you’re looking for some eye-catching crayon clipart, look no further than this high-quality template. It’s transparent, which means you can overlay it on any background or use it in various creative projects. Let your kids explore their artistic side by incorporating this clipart into their drawings or crafts.

  1. Free Printable Crayon Templates

Free Printable Crayon TemplatesWho doesn’t love freebies? These free printable crayon templates are a fantastic way to engage your little artists without breaking the bank. The Artisan Life provides a variety of crayon shapes that your kids can color and cut out. You can even use them as stencils for their next art project or display them as room decorations.

  1. Crayon Template - Tim van de Vall

Crayon Template - Tim van de VallTim van de Vall brings us this simple yet adorable crayon template. With a single crayon outline, your kids can let their imagination run wild. They can experiment with various colors and create their own unique crayon designs. Let their creativity shine with this wonderful template!

These are just a few of the amazing crayon shape printables and templates available. There are countless ways to engage your little ones in exploring their creativity and imagination. So, grab some crayons, print out these templates, and let the colorful adventure begin!