Free Printable Covid Signs

During these challenging times, it is crucial that we prioritize the health and safety of ourselves and those around us. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and work, and it’s essential that we adapt to these new circumstances. We have compiled a list of resources that provide free downloadable signs to help individuals and businesses effectively communicate important information related to COVID-19.

COVID-19 Long Term Care Facilities Guidance

COVID-19 Long Term Care Facilities GuidanceThe McLean County Health Department in Illinois has released a comprehensive guide specifically tailored to long-term care facilities. The guide provides detailed instructions on preventing the spread of COVID-19 within these facilities, including guidance on visitor restrictions, infection control measures, and employee screening protocols.

Free Downloadable Signs - Part 2

COVID-19 Free Downloadable Signs - Part 2Arlon HUB™ offers a collection of free downloadable signs related to COVID-19. This particular resource provides additional signs addressing various aspects of the pandemic, such as reminders to wear face masks, maintain social distancing, and practice proper hand hygiene.

COVID-19: Free Downloadable Signs

COVID-19 Free Downloadable SignsArlon HUB™ also offers a separate set of free downloadable signs related to COVID-19. These signs focus on promoting preventive measures such as handwashing, covering coughs and sneezes, and staying home when feeling unwell.

COVID-19 Notice to Visitors

COVID-19 Notice to VisitorsThe Unit Trust Corporation has developed a notice specifically addressing visitors to their premises. This sign emphasizes the importance of following COVID-19 safety measures, including wearing face masks, practicing physical distancing, and sanitizing hands upon entry.

COVID-19 Signage

COVID-19 SignageSebago Signworks offers a range of COVID-19 signage options to promote safety and awareness. These signs include messages about social distancing, wearing masks, and frequently sanitizing hands to prevent the spread of the virus.

Printable Signs - Delaware’s Coronavirus Official Website

Printable Signs - Delaware’s Coronavirus Official WebsiteDelaware’s Coronavirus Official Website provides a collection of printable signs that cover various aspects of the pandemic. These signs cover topics such as handwashing, proper mask usage, maximum occupancy limits, and general COVID-19 prevention guidelines.

Signage - Summit County Public Health

![Signage - Summit County Public Health]( 07_51_06-Covid19SCPHDoNotEnter.png)Summit County Public Health in Ohio offers a set of signage options to raise awareness about COVID-19 safety measures. These signs include messages about physical distancing, wearing masks, and frequently washing hands to protect individuals visiting public spaces.

Printable Signs - Delaware’s Coronavirus Official Website

Printable Signs - Delaware’s Coronavirus Official WebsiteDelaware’s Coronavirus Official Website also provides printable signs specifically designed for businesses. These signs address important topics such as maximum occupancy limits, physical distancing, mask requirements, and the availability of hand sanitizer.

COVID-19 Health Resources

COVID-19 Health ResourcesThe University of New Hampshire’s Health & Wellness department offers a diverse range of COVID-19 health resources. These resources include educational materials on symptoms, prevention strategies, testing information, and mental health support.

Coronavirus / COVID-19 Advice

Coronavirus / COVID-19 AdviceRise Vision provides a digital signage template specifically designed for COVID-19 advice. This template offers guidance on preventive measures such as handwashing, wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, and staying informed about the latest updates on the pandemic.

In conclusion, these free downloadable signs are valuable resources for individuals, businesses, and organizations to effectively communicate important information related to COVID-19. By utilizing these signs, we can collectively work towards preventing the spread of the virus and ensuring the health and safety of our communities. Remember to stay informed about the latest guidelines and recommendations from reputable health organizations and continue practicing good hygiene and social distancing measures. Together, we can overcome this challenge and emerge stronger as a society.