Printable Mindfulness Activities

Today, I wanted to share with you some amazing mindfulness resources that I recently stumbled upon. Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment and paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. It’s a powerful tool that can help both kids and adults reduce stress, increase focus, and improve overall well-being.

Printable Mindfulness Unit For Kids - Tedy Printable Activities

Printable Mindfulness Unit For KidsOne resource that caught my eye is the Printable Mindfulness Unit for Kids by Tedy Printable Activities. This comprehensive unit includes various printable activities designed to introduce children to mindfulness in a fun and engaging way. From coloring sheets to breathing exercises, this resource covers it all.

The 25+ best Mindfulness for kids ideas on Pinterest | Mindfullness for

Mindfulness for kids ideas on PinterestIf you’re looking for more inspiration, check out the Mindfulness for Kids ideas on Pinterest. It is a treasure trove of creative and effective activities to introduce mindfulness to children. From mindful crafts to guided meditations, this Pinterest board has something for kids of all ages.

25 Beautiful Printable Mindfulness Worksheets You Need In Your Life

Beautiful Printable Mindfulness WorksheetsFor those who prefer worksheets as a way to practice mindfulness, look no further than the collection of 25 Beautiful Printable Mindfulness Worksheets. These worksheets cover various aspects of mindfulness, such as gratitude, self-compassion, and stress reduction. They are visually appealing and provide a structured way to cultivate mindfulness.

Pin on Counseling

Pin on CounselingIf you are a counselor or work in the mental health field, you should definitely check out the Pinterest board called “Counseling.” It is filled with resources related to mindfulness for both adults and kids. From printable activities to informative articles, this board can be a valuable tool for professionals seeking to incorporate mindfulness into their practice.

Free Printable Mindfulness Worksheets For Adults – Learning How to Read

Free Printable Mindfulness Worksheets For AdultsWhile we often talk about mindfulness for kids, it’s equally important for adults. The collection of Free Printable Mindfulness Worksheets For Adults is a fantastic resource for those who are new to mindfulness or want to deepen their practice. These worksheets explore various aspects of mindfulness, such as body scans, loving-kindness meditation, and mindful eating.

5 Fun Mindfulness Activities for Kids

5 Fun Mindfulness Activities for KidsEngaging kids in mindfulness doesn’t have to be boring! The article “5 Fun Mindfulness Activities for Kids” provides creative ideas to make mindfulness enjoyable for children. From sensory walks to mindful storytelling, these activities will not only help kids calm their minds but also bring a sense of playfulness and joy to the practice.

Take a Mindful Minute - Elsa Support

Take a Mindful MinuteIf you’re looking for a quick and effective way to introduce mindfulness into your daily routine, give the “Take a Mindful Minute” resource a try. Created by Elsa Support, this activity encourages children to pause, close their eyes, take a deep breath, and focus on the present moment for just a minute. It’s a simple yet powerful mindfulness exercise.

Mindfulness Activities for Kids Printable Bundle - Mama Cheaps®

Mindfulness Activities for Kids Printable BundleFor a comprehensive collection of mindfulness activities, Mama Cheaps® offers a Mindfulness Activities for Kids Printable Bundle. This bundle includes a wide range of printable worksheets, coloring pages, and guided meditations designed to nurture mindfulness in children. It’s a great resource for parents, educators, or anyone looking to support children in developing mindfulness skills.

Pin on 1000 life hacks

Pin on 1000 life hacksLastly, I came across a Pinterest board called “1000 life hacks,” which features a section on mindfulness. This board provides quick tips and tricks to incorporate mindfulness into our everyday lives. From practicing mindfulness while doing household chores to using technology mindfully, these hacks remind us that mindfulness is not limited to formal meditation.


Mindfulness is a wonderful practice that can bring numerous benefits to both children and adults. Whether you prefer worksheets, printable activities, or quick mindfulness exercises, the resources mentioned above offer a wide range of options to explore. Remember, mindfulness is not about achieving a state of perfection; it’s about being present in each moment and cultivating a sense of awareness and compassion towards ourselves and others. So, why not give these resources a try and embark on a journey towards well-being and inner peace?